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Oil and gas drama in Lebanese Parliamentary workshop unearths three underlying issues in sector

On August 23, drama and havoc broke out in a workshop hosted by the Lebanese Parliament’s energy committee. Accusations of lack of coordination and transparency between Mohammad Qabani, head of the parliamentary energy committee, and members of the Lebanese Petroleum Administration (LPA) quickly deteriorated and led to the LPA’s withdrawal from the meeting. While a […]

Breaking the Norm: A wake-up call for Lebanese Civil Society

Mistrust, anger, accusations, secrecy, and frustration are but some of the vocabulary that civil society in Lebanon should feel pretty comfortable using when asked to describe the prenatal condition of its oil and gas sector. Amidst the bickering of those entrusted with overseeing the smooth running of the nascent sector, the Lebanese public stands on […]

The resource curse of indigenous peoples

How the transparency agenda could reverse unjust exploitation of indigenous territories Ivan Aribalov is an Evenki reindeer herder who lives on the vast steppes of the Sakha Republic in Siberia. His grandfather herded 14,000 domesticated reindeer, which he bred for clothes and food – a job their family have been doing for generations. When the […]

Indigenous communities and their right to self-determination

Latin America and the Caribbean have a great diversity of indigenous peoples, with almost 600 peoples representing 12.8% of the general population and even 40% of the population in rural areas. In this same region, there’s also been an intense development of oil, gas and mining activities – especially in the last three decades – […]

Protecting civil society space is key to stopping human rights abuses

New UN Human Rights Council resolution protecting civil society organisations is a step forward.

Mining ban in Indonesia can restore millions of hectares of protected and conserved forest land

An immediate prohibition will positively impact Indonesia’s mining sector governance Publish What You Pay (PWYP) Indonesia is calling for a mining moratorium, meaning a temporary ban on activity, to immediately regulate the problematic mining situation permits on conservation and protected forest land. The permit moratorium based on experience in the Indonesian province of Aceh since […]

Malawi’s Mining Fiscal Regime – have we been consulted?

On Friday 27 May 2016, Hon. Goodall E. Gondwe, Minister of Finance, Economic Planning and Development, announced in his budget statement that Malawi’s “out of tune” mining fiscal regime, as he described it, will be updated. The Minister explained: I shall be presenting to this House, Mr. Speaker, Sir, a bill that aims at providing […]

Taking the environment into account

Today is World Environment Day, a day observed every year on June 5 to raise global awareness to take positive environmental action to protect nature and the planet. There is an increasing demand for more information on the environmental impacts linked to extractive activities in order to assess their real costs, inform the debate and […]

Azerbaijan: Civic space in focus as country is listed as ‘inactive’ by OGP

Publish What You Pay (PWYP), ARTICLE 19 and CIVICUS welcome yesterday’s unprecedented decision by the Steering Committee of the Open Government Partnership (OGP) to list Azerbaijan as ‘inactive’. Through this decision, the OGP – a voluntary initiative promoting government transparency and accountability – reaffirms how vital civil society is for an open government and the […]

Press freedom violations threaten transparency in extractive sector

Today, 3 May, is World Press Freedom Day, a day set by the United Nations to highlight the important role of the press and journalists worldwide. “Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through […]

Extractivism in Latin America: the violations of rights

Latin America is at a crossroads. Either measures are put in to transition from the extractive model on which the region has become increasingly dependent in recent decades, or the situation in the region will become completely unsustainable in social, environmental and climatic terms, and even in fiscal and economic terms. The high prices of […]

Extractive industries in a resource and climate constrained world

Two weeks ago, a prominent international initiative on transparency in the extractive sector gathered in Lima, Peru. This was the first time that the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) has met in Latin America for its global conference since the initiative was founded in 2003. Last week, a high profile environmental and indigenous rights activist, […]