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Who is paying the price? The impact of low commodity prices on citizens in Mongolia

The Mongolian government has asked its citizens to “tighten their belts” amidst a looming economic crisis after registering a sharp drop in state revenues. With almost 90 percent of the Mongolian exports being mineral products, such as copper and coal, the ongoing fall in commodity prices on international markets has dealt a severe blow to […]

From Kyrgyzstan with love – a documentary on communities and mining

“I love my country, Kyrgyzstan. I love the scenery, I love the people of Kyrgyzstan and I want to see my country flourish so that the people find satisfaction in their lives, so that they benefit from our natural resources and so that our country remains as beautiful as ever.” So says Kalia Moldogazieva as […]

PWYP urges EBRD to reject Russia-Azerbaijan loan

Update on 23 July 2015 We have come to learn that unfortunately the loan was approved by the EBRD during their meeting yesterday. The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) Board of Directors is meeting on 22 July to decide whether to arrange a loan of up to US$500,000,000 to Russia’s Lukoil for the […]

Report of the civil society nominations committee on the selection of civil society representatives to the EITI Board

The Publish What You Pay (PWYP) Global Steering Committee, upon the recommendation of the PWYP Secretariat, formulated the criteria for the selection of the civil society representatives to the EITI Board. The Global Steering Committee also formed the civil society Nominations Committee composed of Ms. Cielo Magno (Bantay Kita and a member of the PWYP […]

Zimbabwe invests $ 3 million in mining exploration activities. Is this the right path towards development?

In an attempt to determine Zimbabwe’s mineral reserves, the Ministry of Mines and Mining Development has decided to transform the Minerals Marketing Corporation of Zimbabwe (MMCZ), a government owned minerals marketing entity, into an exploration company. The newly created Mineral Exploration Promotion Corporation (MEPC), which will be funded by mining revenues, aims at developing the […]

Sustainable development through community engagement: the case for the SDGs

The mineral resources of many developing countries have been viewed as a potential capital that can finance initiatives for sustainable development. However, in the Philippines, mining has never been an agent of development. Instead the decades-long operations of large-scale mining companies in the country have not made any noticeable dent on the fiscal health of […]

Natural resources and civic space: A perspective from the UN Special Rapporteur

Publish What You Pay (PWYP) and its members have noticed a worrisome trend in shrinking civic space as the cases of Niger, Myanmar and Azerbaijan have illustrated. As a response PWYP has been working with the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the rights for Freedom of Peaceful Assembly and Association, Maina Kiai, on a recent […]

Exploring the reality of the oil and gas sector in Lebanon

On May 30, the Order of Engineers in Lebanon, Tripoli chapter, hosted its first oil and gas conference entitled “Oil and Gas in Lebanon: Between reality and Dream”. The conference comes at a time when Lebanon’s nascent extractive industry sector is in limbo waiting for two important decrees to be issued that will kick-start the […]

Jacques Saham

It was in September 2014, during the 10th anniversary of Chad’s Publish What You Pay coalition that my organisation, Action de Partenaires pour l’Appui au Développement – APAD decided to join this movement. Although APAD (in English: Partnership Action for the Support of Development), of which I am the coordinator, is a new member, we […]

Latin American contributions to the EITI: environment and social engagement

On May 19, 20 and 21, the XI Forum on the Extractive Industries of the Latin American Network on the Extractive Industries (RLIE) was held in Quito, comprising 12 Latin American organizations and, since more than a year ago, Publish What You Pay (PWYP). Moreover, since its creation in 2009, this network has maintained a […]

Azerbaijan – Authorities raid civil society offices in continued crackdown on NGOS

Today, in an attempt to further gag independent civil society in Azerbaijan, the office of the Prosecutor General of the Republic of Azerbaijan sent a unit of investigators to raid the offices of the Economic Research Center. Based in Baku, this well-reputed think-tank has also been hosting the NGO Coalition for Improving Transparency in Extractive […]

Mohamed Adbellahi

Ever since I was young, I have always been committed to great causes. When I was very young I advocated in what we then called in Africa the progressive or revolutionary movements. Since, I have nurtured my ambition of serving my country, my people and above all fight for democracy, civic rights and later for […]