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PWYP condemns the arrest of Ali Idrissa

Update 20/05/2017: Ali Idrissa was released on Saturday evening. Publish What You Pay (PWYP) condemns the arrest of Mr. Ali Idrissa, coordinator of PWYP Niger and of the Niamey-based civil society organisation Rotab. Mr. Idrissa was arrested at his home in Niamey by 10 Nigerien armed policemen at 5 pm today. The arrest follows a […]

Equatorial Guinea: Free Human Rights Defenders

2 Prominent Activists Arbitrarily Detained (April 21, 2017) – Equatorial Guinean authorities should immediately release two men who head the country’s leading human rights organization, seven human rights and transparency organizations said today. The police detained Enrique Asumu and Alfredo Okenve, who head the Center for Development Studies and Initiatives (CEID), on April 17, 2017, […]

Azerbaijan’s reputation for transparency in the balance after crushing civil society

As Azerbaijan is scrambling for loans, international financial institutions are key to boosting energy sector accountability, experts say Zohrab Ismayil, an exiled Azeri human rights activist, doesn’t know what would happen to him if the government found out where he lives. So he conducts his work underground. And when he travels, he posts pictures on […]

People’s Mining Indaba to examine Africa Mining Vision

Press Release by the Economic Justice Network, member of PWYP South Africa Cape Town, February 2017: Over 400 activists who are members of civil society, faith-based organisations, mining-affected and impacted community members, academics and other stakeholders seeking justice in mining and the extractives industry will gather at the Double Tree by Hilton Hotel in Cape […]

Making DATA work for communities project

Citizens and communities in extractive areas have the right to know how their finite natural resources are governed. As more and more extractives data is opened to the public, the more challenging it becomes to make these disclosures relevant to local communities. On December 2014, the Philippines released its first Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) […]

Report launch: Against All Odds

The Perils of Fighting for Natural Resource Justice

Against All Odds – The perils of fighting for natural resource justice

All over the world there is an evident growing backlash against activists and campaigners who ask for a fair use of their countries’ natural resources. In 2015 alone 185 activists fighting to protect the environment and for transparency in oil, gas and mining, have been killed, including the high profile death of Berta Cáceres in […]

Natural Resources Justice Network pens UNESCO World Heritage Committee on oil exploration in Lake Malawi National Park

Lilongwe, Malawi, 17 November 2016: The Natural Resources Justice Network (NRJN) and its affiliated chapter of Publish What You Pay (PWYP) Malawi have sent a letter to the UNESCO World Heritage Committee over concerns about the integrity of Lake Malawi National Park asking the Committee to take immediate action to protect the park and to […]

EITI reaffirms its commitment to protecting independent voices at its Astana Board Meeting

On 25 and 26 October, the 35th EITI International Board meeting took place in Astana, Kazakhstan. During this meeting, key agenda topics included the protection of civil society organisations and activists by the EITI and the decision on whether or not to suspend Azerbaijan, after its EITI status was downgraded in April 2015 due to […]

Stop harassment of Civil Society in Azerbaijan

Twenty-five years since its independence from the Soviet Union, Azerbaijan is the most authoritarian it has ever been. As the country’s oil revenues decline, the government crackdown on civil society organisations and activists has sharpened. The targets are people who speak out about corruption, human rights violations, and economic inequality. They have been jailed, harassed, […]

Zohrab Ismayil

Zohrab is determined to continue his work from abroad

Elchin Abdullayev

Forced to Flee for Aiding Activists Elchin Abdullayev was an election observer in Baku in October 2003 when he was arrested for compiling evidence of election violations and openly protesting against them. He was thrown in jail and tortured so badly that he had to be hospitalized. This ordeal motivated him to work with various […]