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Open Data: the extractive industries case study

Greater transparency is a first and necessary step in the fight against corruption. However, behind this concept of transparency, real issues of accessibility and data quality are at stake. Publishing data in itself is not enough if access is restricted and the format inoperable. To take the process of transparency all the way, this information […]

Extractives data: how the world has changed, and what lies ahead

We’re at the OGP summit in Paris demonstrating how the flurry of extractives data we have seen in the last few years can empower people. It remains difficult to get a full picture of company activities, due to a lack of comparable, openly available data; and an absence of certain data such as contracts. Through […]

5+ tools every Data Extractor needs to know

Asking why we need to use data is like asking why we fall in love or breathe. We need to use data for the simple reason that it’s available left, right and centre. As advocates, data scientists, government officials, campaigners, and ordinary citizens, we have the key to making meaningful change happen in our own […]

Open Letter to Minister of Natural Resources Carr & President of the Treasury Board Brison on Open Data

Dear Minister of Natural Resources Carr & President of the Treasury Board of Canada Brison, As Publish What You Pay ‘Data Extractors’, we are writing as a group of activists from around the world, united in our desire to use data from the oil, mining and gas industries to hold governments and companies to account, […]

BG Group’s payments to the Government of Tunisia, 2015

Inquiry from the Tunisian Coalition for Transparency in Energy and Mines to the Government of Tunisia Questions for the Government of Tunisia: BG Group has reported US$101,365,000 (US$7,199,000 in kind plus US$94,166,000 in cash) in total payments to the Government of Tunisia during 2015 (Report on Payments to Governments for the Year 2015). Of these […]

Fact Sheet – SEC Final Rule for Section 1504

On June 27, 2016, the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) voted to approve regulations to implement Section 1504, or the Cardin-Lugar Amendment, of the 2010 Dodd-Frank Financial Reform and Consumer Protection Act. Section 1504 requires any oil, gas or mining company filing an annual report with the SEC to disclose their country and project-level […]

Lebanon oil and gas political deal: LOGI demands clarifications and transparency

When conversations are held behind closed doors, especially in Lebanon, suspicion heightens. In July and, reportedly, again in August 2016 Speaker of the Parliament Nabih Berri met with Foreign Minister Gebran Bassil to smooth tensions and disagreement over how Lebanon’s oil and gas sector should move forward. By some accounts a “deal” was reached, yet […]

With Mandatory Disclosures, More Open, Granular Oil Price Data

This blog was also posted on the Natural Resource Governance Institute website and the Open Oil website. It was written by David Mihalyi and Anton Rühling. Many oil-rich countries’ governments reap huge and notoriously opaqueproduction revenues. In the past, transparency initiatives were limited to exposing tax payments. However, EITI reports and company disclosures are exposing […]

Vote for our sessions at the OGP Summit

Join us in putting transparency in the extractives on the OGP Summit’s agenda by voting for the three PWYP sessions below! Oil, gas and mining injustices – stories from the underground Civic space restrictions and activism on natural resource governance Space for civil society is closing around the world. In resource-rich countries, activists work in […]

Extended country-by-country reporting. The 3-minute version.

This briefing from PWYP Norway explains what extended country-by-country reporting is and why it is necessary. It also explains how the reporting proposal is tailored to the US Dodd-Frank legislation and draft legislation in the EU, as well as customised production companies’ existing consolidation processes, and thus will be easy and inexpensive to implement. Written […]

An extended country-by-country reporting standard. A policy proposal to the EU. Volume 2

• Natural resources have the largest value creation potential to mobilize tax revenue, but profit often ends up elsewhere • Today, the Extractive Industries can transfer significant profits out of the source country before it’s get taxed • One simple policy proposal, aligned with US and EU regulation, will give investors and constituents the instrument […]