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Sign the Statement for the release of Gubad Ibadoghlu

Publish What You Pay (PWYP) is calling for the immediate release of Gubad Ibadoghlu, a prominent economist and a member of PWYP Azerbaijan coalition, who was violently detained on the 29th of July 2023. We have received distressing news that his detention has been extended for another three months, until May 20th. This extension now […]

PWYP 2023 Africa Conference Report

The world needs to slow climate change to prevent catastrophic impacts, and must replace fossil fuels with cleaner energy sources to do it. In June the Africa Conference 2023 was held in Saly, Senegal for three days of relationship-building, reflection, and strategising on how we can tackle this issue and work towards a collaborative and fair […]

Statement on the arrest of Gubad Ibadoghlu

Publish What You Pay (PWYP) is deeply concerned by the arrest of Gubad Ibadoghlu, a prominent economist and a member of PWYP Azerbaijan coalition.  Gubad Ibadoghlu was arrested on July 23rd in Baku, Azerbaijan on charges of development, acquisition, or sale of large amounts of counterfeit money or securities. On July 24th the court in […]

Study on Transparency in the Energy and Mining Sector in Tunisia

Tunisia has made good progress in transparency in its energy and mining sector, especially since 2016, the year when most oil and gas contracts and their addendums on exploration and prospecting were published. The publication came in implementation of the commitments of the Open Government Partnership (OGP) 2nd National Action Plan, via the energy and […]

The Iraqi Oil and Gas Contracts Guidebook

With the support of Publish What You Pay (PWYP), the Iraqi Alliance for Transparency in Extractive Industries (IATEI) has developed a guidebook on Iraqi oil and gas contracts signed by Iraq with foreign companies over five licensing rounds since 2009. Read the guidebook The significance of these contracts lay in the fact that they govern […]

Civil society participation in natural resource management in the Kyrgyz Republic and EITI: Overview of current trends

This study explores the current state of civil society participation in natural resource management and the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) in the Kyrgyz Republic. The analysis focuses on both legal and practical factors that potentially inhibit the activities of civil society. The study leverages desk research and interviews to analyze data on civil space […]

PWYP Annual Report 2022

PWYP’s Annual Report 2022 highlights the main achievements and impacts that the movement had collectively over the past year, as well as the state of our finances. Download the report 2022 was a significant year for the global Publish What You Pay (PWYP) movement as we marked our 20th anniversary. We celebrated achievements, came together, faced challenges, reflected on the […]

Join the Africa Conference Online

If you were not able to attend the Africa Conference in person, you can join watch recordings of each session in the sections below.

EITI Civil Society Organization Board Nominees finalized

Final Nominations Announced The Civil Society Advisory Group (CSAG) is pleased to announce ten final nominees chosen through a rigorous selection process to serve as civil society representatives on the EITI International Board for the three-year term June 2023-2026. These nominees will be official after an election at the EITI Members’ Meeting at the EITI […]

Announcement: Nominees for the EITI International Board

The Civil Society Advisory Group (CSAG) is pleased to announce ten nominees chosen through a rigorous selection process to serve as civil society representatives on the EITI International Board for the three-year term June 2023-2026. Please see below for details on the nominees, including their professional experience and geographic provenance. These nominees will be official […]

National Coordinators Survey 2023: A snapshot of coalition action

The extractive sector has long been defined by poor governance and a lack of transparency which contribute among other things to corruption, human rights abuses and environmental degradation, putting people and the planet at risk. Tackling these challenges means battling against deeply entrenched and powerful interests – which can take years of advocacy. 39 out […]

Africa Conference: Towards a collaborative and just energy transition for Africa

8 – 10 June 2023 Saly, Senegal The Publish What You Pay (PWYP) 2023 Africa Conference will take place at a time the continent is facing overwhelming challenges from the climate crisis. To prevent the worst impacts, the world needs to wean itself off fossil fuels and accelerate the transition to cleaner, safer energy. The […]