Sign the Statement for the release of Gubad Ibadoghlu

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Publish What You Pay (PWYP) is calling for the immediate release of Gubad Ibadoghlu, a prominent economist and a member of PWYP Azerbaijan coalition, who was violently detained on the 29th of July 2023. We have received distressing news that his detention has been extended for another three months, until May 20th. This extension now brings his pre-trial detention to a shocking ten months.

We have issued a statement to demand his immediate release and call on companies and international institutions with links to Azerbaijan to use their leverage to ensure Gubad is treated humanely and released immediately.

We are calling on our colleagues, members and partners from across the globe to express solidarity and increase the pressure to release Gubad  through signing this statement. 

The signatures will be later sent to the Azerbaijani authorities and to the international financial institutions and companies operating in the country.

Background information:

Gubad Ibadoghlu was arrested on July 23rd in Baku, Azerbaijan on fabricated charges of development, acquisition, or sale of large amounts of counterfeit money or securities. On July 24th the court in Azerbaijan announced they would detain him for 3 months and 26 days ahead of his trial. The real motivation for his arrest is to disrupt his public work to expose corruption and mismanagement in Azerbaijan. 

Gubad Ibadoghlu is a renowned public figure, prominent university professor,  one of the founders of PWYP in the Eurasia region and a former EITI International Board Member. Many people know him for his activism and contribution to the global movement for a transparent and accountable extractive sector.

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