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Recent troubles at Niger’s only oil refinery in Zinder show importance of transparency

The recent troubles at Niger’s only oil refinery in Zinder have interesting parallels in neighbouring Chad, and show how important transparency in the extractives industry remains. In summer 2015, Niger’s Soraz refinery closed down for 45 days. The supply of locally produced fuel on the market dwindled and prices shot up. Officially the closure was […]

Niger: if Areva doesn’t pay the right taxes, why should citizens?

ROTAB – Publish What You Pay Niger got its hands on a convention regarding the contracts Areva – Niger and it is not all rosy. Once again, despite a strong Mining Code 2006, the Nigerien government chose to circumvent its law and regulations to please Areva. Following lengthy opaque negotiations, a convention on Areva’s exploitation […]

A year long violation of its constitution, it’s time to publish details of Areva deal with Niger

Last year, on 26 May 2014, the Nigerien government and Areva signed an agreement to renew their partnership on the extraction of uranium. Negotiations had lasted over six months, as Areva were keen to be exempt from certain provisions in the 2006 Mining Code. During that time, Nigerien civil society, parliamentarians, media as well as […]

New mining code to unlock gold revenues for the future of Burkina Faso

By giving gold revenue back to the Burkinabe and by reducing tax breaks for mining companies in the country, the new mining code in Burkina Faso could secure a brighter and more sustainable future for many generations ahead. We, Mines Alerte Publish What You Pay Burkina Faso, have been campaigning tirelessly with other CSOs since […]

Of Corruption, the Constitution and (lack of) Consultation: the state of transparency in Niger

On Saturday June 6, 2015, members of the Réseau des Organisations de la Société Civile pour la Transparence et l’Analyse Budgetaire (ROTAB), or Publish What You Pay Niger, and thousands of Nigerien citizens took to the streets of Niamey to express their dissatisfaction with recent developments in the country. High prices at the pump and […]

Niger & Areva – missing contracts and presidential planes

Six months ago, the Nigerien government announced it had signed a new contract with AREVA over the country’s uranium production. The contract itself was ten months overdue and the negotiation process had been both difficult and drawn out as the government sought to rebalance their relationship with AREVA and obtain a fair deal for their […]