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PWYP condemns beating of Ilgar Mammadov in Azerbaijan

Publish What You Pay strongly condemns the beating and inhumane treatment of Ilgar Mammadov, member of the Advisory Council of the Natural Resource Governance Institute (NRGI). Mr Mammadov, who remains unlawfully imprisoned following a decision by the European Court of Human Rights, was allegedly beaten by high-level staff in the penitentiary facility on October 16, […]

In pursuit of transparent trading in Switzerland

Despite having very few natural resources itself, Switzerland has become the world’s major commodity trading hub for natural resources. With its favourable corporate fiscal regime, the country is very attractive for extractive companies. As major companies have set up their headquarters in the country, 60% of the global trade in metal and 35% of global […]

Switzerland must seize opportunity for commodity trading transparency

Joint press release by NRGI, SwissAid, Berne Declaration and the global coalition PWYP. EITI can also do more to improve visibility into commodity trader payments Berne, October 20, 2015—Switzerland, the world’s leading commodity trading hub, must pave the way for more transparency in natural resource payments. The Swiss government should alter its course and include […]

Towards transparency in Extractives in Chad – applying oil project modelling

Chad has the typical characteristics of a country affected by the “resource curse”, rich in natural resources, poor in development for the majority of the population. In other words, the benefits, mainly from oil, do not trickle down to communities that are, instead often negatively, impacted by extractive activities. In Chad, the national Publish What […]

Tribute to Tiergou Pierre Dabiré

It is with deep regret and sadness that we, the International Secretariat of Publish What You Pay (PWYP), announce the passing of Pierre Tiergou Dabiré, which happened on 13 October 2015 in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso. Dabiré was the President of the African Network of Journalists for Integrity and Transparency (Rajit), Coordinator of PWYP’s Coalition in […]

Niger: if Areva doesn’t pay the right taxes, why should citizens?

ROTAB – Publish What You Pay Niger got its hands on a convention regarding the contracts Areva – Niger and it is not all rosy. Once again, despite a strong Mining Code 2006, the Nigerien government chose to circumvent its law and regulations to please Areva. Following lengthy opaque negotiations, a convention on Areva’s exploitation […]

Suspicions of corruption in Kinross-Tasiast, Mauritania: what are our leaders waiting for?

During the month of July, Kinross Mining Company was ordered by the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) to explain allegations it had received undue payments made to government officials and some internal control deficiencies in their operations in Mauritania and Ghana. This follows two earlier requests by both the SEC and the Justice Department […]

United States Applauds Securities and Exchange Commission’s Commitment to Swiftly Release Oil Transparency Rule

SEC Will Meet to Implement Landmark Oil, Gas, and Mining Transparency Law by June 2016 Publish What You Pay – United States (PWYP-US) welcomes today’s commitment by the Securities and Exchange Commission to quickly finalize a rule for Section 1504 of the Dodd-Frank Act, a groundbreaking oil, gas and mining transparency law. The SEC’s announcement […]

Ibrahima Sorry Diallo

During my youth, I got engaged in citizen movements, I learned to contribute to the development of my country and I have informed myself about associative life. I was able to understand the issues and problems that my country faced in its development. I decided to put the experience in youth movements for to work […]

Strengthening country-by-country reporting regulations in Norway. What next?

Just before the summer recess started in Norway, the Norwegian Parliament, the Storting, agreed to strengthen country-by-country reporting regulations. To find out how the Norwegian Government plans on following up on this new regulation, Truls Wickholm, Member of Parliament for the Norwegian Labour Party, has sent a written question to Siv Jensen, Norway’s Finance Minister. […]

Legislate, don’t negotiate – Mineral resources: Zambia’s capital wealth?

As in many other countries, taxes represent Zambia’s largest source of domestic revenue, making taxation issues vital for our country’s governance and development. The importance of taxation cannot be over-emphasized as governments are ushered into office based on their promises to revise tax regimes for the greater benefit of its citizens, only to lose power […]

Improving governance of land and forest based extractive sector in Indonesia

“Capable stakeholders, community monitoring, revenue stream and budget analysis, multi-stakeholder dialogues, and open data can pave the way for improvement in the governance of land and forest, especially those used by the extractive sector.” – Agung Budiono, Program Manager of Setapak-PWYP Indonesia. Lack of governance in the extractives relating to forest and land management has […]