News and resources

Explore our publications on a wide range of topics, to find the powerful facts, stories and approaches that underpin our work to make the extractive industry more open, accountable and participatory.


Looking back at the Global Assembly 2019

The Global Assembly is PWYP’s tri-annual strategic convening of members. It is a unique opportunity for members and partners from around the world to come together to discuss trends in the transparency and accountability movement, strategise around key developments in the extractives sector and learn from each other. Global Assembly 2019 From power analysis and […]

Global Reporting Initiative’s public consultation on Tax and Payments to Governments

The Publish What You Pay Global Council submitted a public comment form on Global Reporting Initiative’s public consultation on Tax and Payments to Governments in March 2019.

Prominent human rights defender under serious threats to his life in Equatorial Guinea

French version here, Spanish here A group of human rights and anti-corruption civil society organisations* is appalled by the illegal detention and house arrest of human rights defender Alfredo Okenve Ndoho on the same day that he was supposed to receive the Franco-German Human Rights Award at a ceremony organised by the French Embassy in […]

What is civil society asking the EITI Board to decide this week?

At the 42nd EITI Board meeting taking place in Kiev, Ukraine this week, key proposed changes to the EITI Standard are being discussed, in particular on how to strengthen the EITI Standard on gender, contract transparency, commodity trading and environmental impact disclosure. On this page you find the various resources that outline how and why […]

Environmental Reporting: Key to Transparency

As the EITI Standard is being revised this month, it must make environmental transparency a requirement It’s there in the name. The Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) works to promote the transparency needed to prevent corruption, mismanagement and waste, so everyone can benefit from natural resources and no one is harmed by extraction. The need […]

PWYP Open Data Position

Publish What You Pay aligns its Open Data Position with the Open Definition, which can be summed up in the statement: Open means anyone can freely access, use, modify, and share for any purpose (subject, at most, to requirements that preserve provenance and openness) PWYP offers this Open Data position for its coalitions to use […]

Women and the extractive industries – time for the EITI to act

The EITI standard is an immensely powerful tool. We can make it even more powerful – and inclusive – by making it reflect the experiences of women. All the evidence points to several important and necessary changes, which the EITI cannot afford to ignore any longer. Members of the PWYP movement all strive for the […]

Gendered change to transparency in extractives starts in West Africa

Making women visible and locating gender expertise in their own movements have put West African Publish What You Pay (PWYP) coalitions at the forefront of working with gender in extractives. But there is a long journey ahead before minds and work processes have shifted to more gendered ways of working. How do you change a […]

Draft EITI constituency guidelines for civil society

The members of the EITI Association (Article 7.2) are organised in three constituencies (Article 5.2): governments, companies and civil society. Constituencies decide on their rules governing appointment of Members (Article 5.3) and nominate Board members and their alternates for the Members’ Meeting to elect (Article 8.1(ii)). The EITI Board agreed on the guidance and principles […]

PWYP Global Assembly 2019 Communique

For other language version of this communiqué click here: Arabic, French, Russian and Spanish 1 February 2019 – Dakar, Senegal We, the participants of the Publish What You Pay (PWYP) Global Assembly in Dakar, Senegal, representing civil society organisations from more than 50 countries, have come together to reflect on our collective achievements as a […]

Looking to 2025: Reflecting on an inspiring PWYP Global Assembly

Last week, in Dakar, I had the immense pleasure of addressing the fifth Publish What You Pay Global Assembly (and my second as Executive Director). This is the largest gathering of members from across the PWYP movement, when hundreds come together for several precious days: it’s a time for fresh ideas, passionate debate and energising […]