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Increasing women’s voice and participation in extractive governance

With support from the Finnish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Publish What You Pay (PWYP) national coalitions in Mozambique, Tanzania and Uganda undertook research to unearth what data/information and reforms are needed to improve women’s participation and power in decision-making around the allocation and use of extractive revenues, for the benefit of women, men and […]

Government efforts to reduce emissions in the oil and gas sector need more transparency

Emily Nickerson supported the production of the below mentioned report by Oxfam Canada and Parkland Institute, and is also outgoing Director of PWYP-Canada. This blog presents key report findings, and lessons for PWYP coalitions and members. Governments are ramping up their investments to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, investing billions in new green industries and efforts […]

Empowering communities to use data for accountability in mining

Story of change In the Philippines, the Bantay Kita-Publish What You Pay Philippines coalition (BK-PWYP) identified that EITI data could be useful in helping indigenous communities to demand their share of royalty payments from mining on community land. But making data accessible would not in itself create change. BK-PWYP realised that it needed to understand communities’ […]

Civil Society Guide to the Mining Local Procurement Reporting Mechanism

Since 2018, Publish What You Pay (PWYP) member organisations in West Africa have dedicated great efforts to foster local content implementation in the mining sector. This has been done through the promotion of local procurement, which represents the “biggest single element in benefit distribution for communities and government”. Spending on goods and services is usually […]

PWYP National Coordinators Survey 2021

The annual survey of Publish What You Pay (PWYP) National Coordinators contributes to monitoring network activity, impact, connectivity, and inclusiveness. The April 2021 survey follows the first ‘base line’ survey of March 2020. It was conducted by the PWYP International Secretariat in Arabic, French, Russian, Spanish and English, eliciting responses from 44 of the 51 […]

Impactful and connected PWYP national coalitions despite COVID-19

Feedback from the National Coordinators Survey 2021 In 2020, Publish What You Pay (PWYP) national coalitions have been under significant strain as a result of COVID-19, facing funding squeezes, crackdowns on civic space and capacity contractions. Yet despite these serious constraints, they have continued to achieve important advocacy impacts and progress towards the collective PWYP […]

Africa Conference Report 2021

The 2021 PWYP Africa Conference considered how the resource governance movement can build resilience and collaborate for impact in Africa, in the face of big global challenges like the Covid-19 pandemic, climate change and energy transition, and threats on civic space. The conference, held every three years, is the principal space for PWYP members, along […]

Citizens’ groups use revenue disclosures to advocate for local service funding

Story of Change Fees charged to mining companies for land use are a significant source of income for local authorities in Zambia. The Zambian Publish What You Pay (PWYP) coalition discovered that a legal loophole had been enabling some mining companies to avoid paying land-use fees. These lost revenues affect the authorities’ ability to provide […]

EITI civil society board members express disappointment in decision not to progress complaint against company board member

Read the EITI civil society board member’s latest statement here. In February 2021, PWYP-US submitted a complaint to the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) Board, alleging the involvement of an EITI Board member of the company constituency in lobbying efforts which undermined mandatory oil and mining transparency requirements in the United States. PWYP-US argued that […]

PWYP Annual Report 2020

2020 was highly anticipated at Publish What You Pay (PWYP), as the first year of implementing our new five-year strategy, Vision 2025. The strategy defines our people-centred agenda for the extractive sector through four goals: to make PWYP better informed, more influential, widely heard and well connected across our network. But Covid-19 shifted the ground […]

Fair Share? Shining a light on the extractive industries fiscal regimes in Mozambique, Tanzania and Uganda

Taxation is seen as one of the most sustainable sources of revenue for governments, with the potential to contribute to investments in basic services and to enhance the social contract between citizens and their government. Our new synthesis research report explores the fiscal regimes in Mozambique, Tanzania and Uganda and how they can be improved […]

The Publish What You Pay Global Council strongly condemns the arrest of Man Zar Myay Mo, EITI advocate in Myanmar, and calls for his immediate release.

On the morning of June 8th, Man Zar Myay Mo was shot and detained at a roadblock whilst he travelled to a meeting and he is currently being detained at Northwest Division Military Headquarters. There are serious concerns for his safety. Along with the Myanmar Alliance for Transparency and Accountability (MATA), Man Zar Myay Mo […]