Launched in 2006, PWYP Mongolia has focused its efforts on effective EITI implementation. The coalition also works on legislative processes around the natural resource framework and with communities at the subnational level. It has led campaigns to ensure transparency at all stages of mining production and increase public engagement and debate on natural resource issues. The coalition is currently campaigning for the adoption of an EITI law and a new Mineral Law.
The coalition has led campaigns to ensure transparency at all stages of mining production and increase public debate on natural resource issues
Member organisations
Angir nuden munduukhei
Ariun Suvarga Movement NGO
Movement for the Protection of Buir Lake, Khalh River, Numrug River Basins
Khangai Khan Regional Network for the Environmental Protection
Mining is rapidly increasing in Mongolia and makes up 20 per cent of GDP, double the figure 10 years ago.
Mongolia is home to one of the largest copper-gold mines in the world, Oyu Tolgoi. Experts estimate that once at full production, the mine will generate a third of the country’s GDP.
Companies operating in Mongolia include AREVA, Centerra and Rio Tinto, Xanadu Mines, Aspire mining, Kincora Copper, Steppe Gold,