The Latin American Network on the Extractive Industries (RLIE in Spanish) was formed in 2009 in response to concerns by Latin American CSOs about the impact of mining and oil extraction in the region. Based on this common interest, the coalition’s objective is to ensure a continuous space for Latin American civil society to meet and work together to influence public policies on the extractive industries, with an emphasis on transparency, participation, guaranteeing human rights and protecting the environment. The network is currently made up of 13 organisations from eight countries: Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Guatemala, Mexico and Peru. It joined PWYP in 2014 and represents the region on the PWYP Global Council.
The coalition aims to ensure a continuous space for Latin American civil society to meet and work together to influence public policies on the extractive industries
Name Surname
Member organisations
Centro de Derechos Económicos y Sociales (Ecuador)
Extractive sector interest in Latin American grew with the commodities boom and several countries, including China and Germany, look to the region for their raw materials.
Mexico, Brazil and Colombia are in the world’s top 20 oil-producing countries.
Mexico, Peru, Bolivia, Chile and Guatemala are among the world’s top 20 silver producers.