From laws to implementation – civil society advocacy helps secure US$20 million for communities affected by mining

Story of Change
In 2015, following an intensive campaign by civil society, the Government of Burkina Faso adopted a new mining code requiring mining companies to pay 1 per cent of their gross revenues to a community development fund.
By July 2019, more than 12 billion Central African Francs (CFA), around US$20 million, had been collected and distributed to communities, municipalities and regions in Burkina Faso. Since securing the 1 per cent requirement, the civil society coalition in Burkina Faso has been active in ensuring effective implementation of the fund and that it is used in a fully accountable way.
The Publish What You Pay (PWYP) coalition and its partners are tracking whether the fund is having the intended impact – to improve the lives of affected communities.
The PWYP Stories of Change capture progress and showcase the impact of PWYP members. They help reflect on advocacy approaches taken by PWYP members, with the intention of learning and strengthening our connected advocacy within our movement.