
< All members

Launched in 2006, PWYP Mongolia has focused its efforts on effective EITI implementation. The coalition also works on legislative processes around the natural resource framework and with communities at the subnational level. It has led campaigns to ensure transparency at all stages of mining production and increase public engagement and debate on natural resource issues. The coalition is currently campaigning for the adoption of an EITI law and a new Mineral Law.

The coalition has led campaigns to ensure transparency at all stages of mining production and increase public debate on natural resource issues

Member organisations

Angir nuden munduukhei
Ariun Suvarga Movement NGO
Movement for the Protection of Buir Lake, Khalh River, Numrug River Basins
Khangai Khan Regional Network for the Environmental Protection
Youth Involvement in the Governance
Market and Skills
New Initiatives of the Administration external website link >
Zorig Foundation external website link >
Right Reflection
Transparency Foundation external website link >
Ikh Baga Bayan Sharga external website link >
Inforum Center external website link >
Land of My Mongolia Movement
Confederation of Mongolian Trade Union external website link >
Mongolian Association of Environmental Protection
Foundation for Salvation of the Nature external website link >
Mongolian Association for Taimen Protection Association
Public Interest Lawyers' Initiative external website link >
Open Society Forum external website link >
Onon Ulz River Movement
Mongolian Young Researchers' Association of Technology and Innovation
Responsible Mining Initiative for Sustainable Development
Steps Without Borders external website link >
Call of Khongor Land
Patrons of the Khuvsgul Lake
Center for Human Right and Development external website link >
Monmin Association of Mongolian Small and Medium Sized Mine external website link >
Transparency International Mongolia
Association of Mongolian Environmental Lawyers

Related Resources