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PWYP Working Group – Morocco (PWYP WG Morocco) brings together a dozen renowned associations at the national level known for their advocacy for the environment in general and, in particular, climate change. The group is a part of the DCDO (Dynamique Civique pour le Développement Ouvert) and is a network of more than 1000 CSOs across different regions of Morocco promoting participatory approaches to accelerate the development of Morocco. DCDO is self-organized into different working groups including subgroups on access to information, environment, integrity and anti-corruption, education and health etc. Within the DCDO a particular working group was formed in order to push forward the vision and mission of PWYP on Just Energy Transition. The group is diverse and includes 11 Civil Society Organisations engaged in good governance, development, green economy, environment, youth engagement, and just transition. Their focus is on public participation, environmental and social impacts of extraction, access to information, and civil society engagement.