Launching the #JustMineralsAfrica campaign

As global demand for the raw materials essential for a clean energy future soars, Africa, with its abundant reserves of transition minerals, faces a significant opportunity. If managed well, this could prevent repeating historical mistakes and abuses associated with mineral extraction.

Just Minerals Africa is a collaborative campaign launched by various civil society organisations sharing a vision for Africa’s development, thriving communities, and enhanced energy access through a just transition – and you are invited! We want to invite any organisation working towards these shared objectives to get involved with the campaign.

The campaign aims to ensure that extraction of transition minerals takes place in ways that uphold human rights, protect the environment, and benefit local communities. It seeks to generate political support for this vision, advocate for policy changes, and back initiatives that foster responsible mining operations.


Our mission:

We advocate for the strategic, responsible, and sustainable extraction and use of Africa’s transition minerals to unlock the continent’s development, energy sovereignty, and prosperity.

What are we aiming for:

  1. Africa’s transition minerals for Africa’s development must be on the continent’s political agenda
  2. Laws, policies and business practices need to be developed and implemented to ensure responsible and sustainable extraction and use of transition minerals which contribute to Africa’s development and respond to community concerns.
  3. Emerging bilateral deals and partnerships must guarantee responsible and sustainable mining.


To have an impact, we need to use our collective power and encourage you to get involved with #JustMineralsAfrica. For more information about the campaign and/or to take part in it please contact: Ouleymatou Ngom [email protected]

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