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EITI Association membership registry

We are in the process of refreshing the EITI Association membership registry.  Does your organisation specialize in issues related to extractive industries governance or transparency?  Is your organisation dedicated to the objectives of the EITI, and interested in being involved in its governance processes?  If so, applications are due by March 14, 2023. EITI Association members are responsible for participating in EITI Members’ Meetings […]

Many crises, one movement

Peoples’ needs must be at the heart of the global energy transition. Our global movement can help achieve this, writes PWYP’s new Executive Director, Edwin Ikhuoria. My role as Executive Director of PWYP begins as COP 27 in Egypt ends. There, once again, governments fell short of taking adequate action to meet the greatest challenge […]

Transition minerals could transform the DRC, but local communities must have their say

This op-ed has first been published on November 13, 2022 in the Independent – Uganda Transition minerals could transform the Democratic Republic of Congo, but local communities must have their say, writes Jean-Claude Katende, National Coordinator of Publish What You Pay Democratic Republic of Congo. Congo’s natural resources have been plundered at a terrible cost […]

COP27: Local communities must not pay the price as the world scrambles to extract transition minerals

Human rights and the environment must be protected in the scramble to extract minerals used in clean energy technologies, more than 230 civil society organisations from 62 countries have told world leaders attending the United Nation’s COP 27 climate summit in Egypt in a statement published today. The signatory organisations work in various fields, from […]

Transition minerals open statement for COP27

More than 250 organisations call on COP leaders to urgently ensure the exploitation of transition minerals doesn’t undermine a just and equitable energy transition COP27 is a key moment to initiate a real shift in the way minerals are extracted and used, and to look at solutions that will reduce dependence on mining. The world […]

PWYP 5th Global Assembly Report

The 5th Publish What You Pay (PWYP) Global Assembly took place as an online event from Monday, 27 to Thursday, 30 June 2022. Download the Global Assembly report This event was special: it marked the 20th anniversary of the PWYP campaign, launched in June 2002. It was a key moment to celebrate PWYP members and […]

Taking Stock: How have we implemented our Vision 2025 strategy so far, and what is next?

The Global Council, which took office in June, will be leading the PWYP global movement in the final two years of implementation of our global strategy, Vision 2025; and into the development of our next strategic phase from 2025 onwards. 2022 marks the mid-point of the strategy implementation period. To understand progress, challenges and lessons […]

PWYP Global Gender Policy

PWYP commits to taking on a feminist perspective in everything we do. We understand this to mean working to uphold the rights and dignity of all people regardless of their sex, gender, race, age, class, ability or other social identifiers. We strive to foster a culture of inclusivity, respect, and equality that embodies our commitment […]

EITI Civil Society Board Members Selection 2023

Update February 8, 2023: The Civil Society Advisory Group (CSAG) has been established for the next three years. It will begin working immediately on the selection of 10 civil society representatives to serve on the EITI International Board. Learn more about the CSAG, including its membership here. For more information about applications to the EITI […]

PWYP Global Assembly sessions recordings

The 5th PWYP Global Assembly was held June 27-30, 2022. In total, 407 people participated in the event, of which half were women and around 15% were under 30. This makes it the biggest and most inclusive PWYP Global Assembly so far. A large majority of participants were from civil society, with donors, governments, industry […]

Building on 20 years of transparency campaigning to fight for a just energy transition

 “The world is at a turning point”. There is no question that to prevent catastrophic climate change, a radical transition to cleaner, safer energy needs to take place fast. Pioneers from the Publish What You Pay (PWYP) movement are joining young PWYP members around the world in their call for a just transition, one […]

PWYP youth are calling for a fairer, cleaner energy future

All over the world, climate change is a major concern for young people. As the world warms at an unprecedented pace, young members of the Publish What You Pay (PWYP) movement from around the world are calling for a just transition to cleaner, safer energy. A transition that takes into account the historical responsibility of […]