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Lifting the veil of secrecy on rights abuses caused by Brazil’s mining industry

This article was originally published by Open Global Rights on 28 October 2021 Mining companies must tackle human rights abuses or risk communities saying no to their operations Brazil has been struck by two devastating mining dam disasters in recent years. In 2015, a tailings dam carrying liquid waste away from the Samarco Mariana mining complex in Minas […]

Lifting the veil of secrecy on rights abuses caused by Brazil’s mining industry

Mining companies must tackle human rights abuses or risk communities saying no to their operations. This article was originally published by Open Global Rights on 28 October 2021 Brazil has been struck by two devastating mining dam disasters in recent years. In 2015, a tailings dam carrying liquid waste away from the Samarco Mariana mining complex in Minas […]

We expect better from companies claiming to support the EITI

As part of the EITI 2019 Standard companies that are part of the Initiative are expected to meet a set of transparency asks (known in EITI speak as “Expectations”) linked to key areas such as contract transparency, tax, payments and beneficial ownership transparency   Last month, for the first time, the EITI released an assessment of […]

Brazilians suffering in the shadow of mining denied benefits from company payments

A vast iron ore mine in Brazil, owned and operated by UK multinational Anglo American, is causing water shortages, ill-health and disaster anxiety among low-income Afro-descendant communities. Few benefits are visible locally from mining taxes or royalties, according to a new joint report from Brazilian NGO IBASE (Instituto Brasileiro de Análises Sociais e Econômicas) and […]

Re-thinking PWYP coalitions’ effectiveness and inclusivity in challenging times

Case studies from Bantay Kita-PWYP Philippines, PWYP Malawi and PWYP USA   To remain effective, pertinent and inclusive, coalitions need to adapt and evolve in response to changing circumstances, obstacles, and challenges. Publish What You Pay (PWYP) led  research on three national coalitions, in the Philippines, the US and Malawi, in order to find out […]

Burmese activist Kyaw Minn Htut must be released

Publish What You Pay (PWYP) is highly concerned by reports of the arrest of Kyaw Minn Htut, a Burmese human rights and environment activist engaged in the promotion of transparency and accountability in the extractive industries in Myanmar, and a member of the Myanmar EITI MSG. It is reported that on September 6 2021, at […]

Ghana must condemn attacks on civil society members

The Publish What You Pay (PWYP) Africa Steering Committee calls on the Ghanaian government to urgently, swiftly and categorically condemn recent attacks on civil society members in the national media  ; and to ensure that all civil society actors are able to speak freely on issues pertinent to the good governance of natural resource sector, […]

Government efforts to reduce emissions in the oil and gas sector need more transparency

Emily Nickerson supported the production of the below mentioned report by Oxfam Canada and Parkland Institute, and is also outgoing Director of PWYP-Canada. This blog presents key report findings, and lessons for PWYP coalitions and members. Governments are ramping up their investments to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, investing billions in new green industries and efforts […]

Empowering communities to use data for accountability in mining

Story of change In the Philippines, the Bantay Kita-Publish What You Pay Philippines coalition (BK-PWYP) identified that EITI data could be useful in helping indigenous communities to demand their share of royalty payments from mining on community land. But making data accessible would not in itself create change. BK-PWYP realised that it needed to understand communities’ […]

Impactful and connected PWYP national coalitions despite COVID-19

Feedback from the National Coordinators Survey 2021 In 2020, Publish What You Pay (PWYP) national coalitions have been under significant strain as a result of COVID-19, facing funding squeezes, crackdowns on civic space and capacity contractions. Yet despite these serious constraints, they have continued to achieve important advocacy impacts and progress towards the collective PWYP […]

EITI civil society board members express disappointment in decision not to progress complaint against company board member

Read the EITI civil society board member’s latest statement here. In February 2021, PWYP-US submitted a complaint to the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) Board, alleging the involvement of an EITI Board member of the company constituency in lobbying efforts which undermined mandatory oil and mining transparency requirements in the United States. PWYP-US argued that […]

Positioning Publish What You Pay on the energy transition

A managed decline of fossil fuel production is necessary to tackle the climate crisis and to create long-term prosperity. The transition to low carbon energy can contribute towards a resilient post-pandemic recovery, secure sustainable development, improve air quality and biodiversity, and benefit citizens. However, without a concerted and organized effort by civil society, the energy transition risks being both inadequate and unfair, undermining economic benefits and livelihoods, […]