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Extracting Equality – A Guide

Publish What You Pay and UN Women are working together to integrate gender perspectives into natural resource governance, so that when we say we want all citizens to benefit from their resources, we really mean all citizens. To this end, we created a value chain that shows how you can approach gender at every step […]

Tackling the “Resource Curse:” The Role of Brand in a Global Campaigning Network

What is brand’s role in the non-profit world? How have non-profit organisations developed and used their ‘brand’? In order to explore and answer these questions, the Hauser Center of Harvard University conducted a study of four non-profit organisations and the evolution of, and their relationship with, their brand. Publish What You Pay was among these […]

Lessons learned from Zimbabwe’s Alternative Mining Indaba

Zebbies Mumba, Gerald Mutale and Tommy Singongi, three representatives of PWYP Zambia attended Zimbabwe’s Alternative Mining Indaba which PWYP Zimbabwe helped organise. Here are some of the key lessons the Zimbabwean delegation took back with them: Talking matters – The Alternative Indaba was a key opportunity for community members’ to voice their opinions to parliamentarians, […]

The UK joins EITI – a second chance to get it right?

Last week, the UK was accepted as a candidate country to EITI – in 18 months, British citizens should have a report that details how much money the government received from the extractive sector and how much companies paid. It’s a shame that the EITI wasn’t born in the 1970s before the oil revenues started […]

PWYP statement of support for Azerbaijan’s civil society

23 October 2014 The issue of Azerbaijan was high on the agenda of last week’s Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) International Board meeting in Naypyidaw, Myanmar, as the government’s repressions place the country’s EITI status in doubt. The civil society constituency on the EITI board was united in calling for Azerbaijan’s suspension from the initiative, […]

Claire Spoors

We need to deal with the systemic causes of poverty and inequality and the extractives sector is the obvious place to start. The extractives sector needs to be accountable, not just in terms of the use of its revenues but also regarding its impacts on human rights, the environment and society for instance. Transparency is […]

Open Letter to President Obama from African Civil Society

Dear Mr. President, We, the African civil society leaders of Publish What You Pay – a global coalition campaigning for an open and accountable gas, oil and mining sector – are addressing you on the eve of the US – Africa Leaders’ Summit. We are addressing you as concerned citizens, forced to see their countries […]

PWYP and OSIWA call for the immediate release of arrested activists in Niger

Update – All arrested activists were freed on Friday evening, but they will be summoned by a judge this week. We remain vigilant. The Open Society Initiative for West Africa (OSIWA) and Publish What You Pay (PWYP) calls on the Nigerien authorities to immediately release ROTAB activists currently under detention and to cease the harassment […]

Arrest of PWYP Activist Ali Idrissa in Niger on day of President Hollande’s visit

Update 21/7 – All arrested activists were freed on Friday evening,but will be summoned by a judge this week. PWYP remains vigilant. Update 14:35 18/07 – Mr. Ali Idrissa was released earlier today, but he has been told that once Hollande’s visit is over, the authorities will come to pick him up and take him […]

Strengthening civil society participation in EITI – The case of DRC

This case study explores how civil society in DRC has strengthened its participation in EITI, the introduction is below – you can read it in full by clicking on the ‘download’ button Civil society has a crucial role to play in supporting the implementation of the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) and in ensuring that […]

Civil society around the world calls on the SEC

544 PWYP members from around the world wrote to the SEC Chair, Mary Jo White, urging the Commission to reissue a strong implementing rule for Dodd-Frank 1504. You can view the letter – with all its signees – in PDF. The Honorable Mary Jo White Chair U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission 100 F Street NE […]

Fact Sheet on EU Accounting and Transparency Directives

In June and November 2013 the EU adopted amendments to the Transparency and Accounting Directives that oblige all listed and large non-listed extractive companies in the EU to publish the payments they make at project-level in the countries where they operate. This fact-sheet includes the technical details about these rules.