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Exploring the reality of the oil and gas sector in Lebanon

On May 30, the Order of Engineers in Lebanon, Tripoli chapter, hosted its first oil and gas conference entitled “Oil and Gas in Lebanon: Between reality and Dream”. The conference comes at a time when Lebanon’s nascent extractive industry sector is in limbo waiting for two important decrees to be issued that will kick-start the […]

Jacques Saham

It was in September 2014, during the 10th anniversary of Chad’s Publish What You Pay coalition that my organisation, Action de Partenaires pour l’Appui au Développement – APAD decided to join this movement. Although APAD (in English: Partnership Action for the Support of Development), of which I am the coordinator, is a new member, we […]

Canada moves to increase transparency in the extractive industries globally

On Monday June 1st, 2015, the Government of Canada announced that the Extractive Sector Transparency Measures Act (ESTMA) has come into force, a move that was welcomed by members of the Publish What You Pay coalition around the world.

Latin American contributions to the EITI: environment and social engagement

On May 19, 20 and 21, the XI Forum on the Extractive Industries of the Latin American Network on the Extractive Industries (RLIE) was held in Quito, comprising 12 Latin American organizations and, since more than a year ago, Publish What You Pay (PWYP). Moreover, since its creation in 2009, this network has maintained a […]

Azerbaijan – Authorities raid civil society offices in continued crackdown on NGOS

Today, in an attempt to further gag independent civil society in Azerbaijan, the office of the Prosecutor General of the Republic of Azerbaijan sent a unit of investigators to raid the offices of the Economic Research Center. Based in Baku, this well-reputed think-tank has also been hosting the NGO Coalition for Improving Transparency in Extractive […]

Mohamed Adbellahi

Ever since I was young, I have always been committed to great causes. When I was very young I advocated in what we then called in Africa the progressive or revolutionary movements. Since, I have nurtured my ambition of serving my country, my people and above all fight for democracy, civic rights and later for […]

Oxfam America present oral arguments in case against SEC

In 2010, President Obama signed into law the Dodd-Frank Act, section 1504 of which obliges all extractive companies listed in the US to publicly disclose the payments they make to governments around the world. Five years on, despite inspiring similar legislation by other jurisdictions around the world, this law has yet to come into effect. […]

Charles Mulila

I live in the Copperbelt and have seen the trend from the old days when we had the Zambia Consolidated copper mines, and used to have good CSR projects. But after the privatization of the mines, a lot is not being done. This has brought about much disappointment for communities, as people want to get […]

What lies ahead for Azerbaijan and EITI?

The situation for civil society activists in Azerbaijan has gone from bad to worse over the last couple of years, despite the country being part of two prestigious transparency initiatives, the EITI and OGP. PWYP has documented the deterioration of civil society rights and has repeatedly called for strong action to be taken. Last month, […]

Fact-sheet – Canada extractive transparency law

On December 17th, 2014 the Government of Canada passed into law the Extractive Sector Transparency Measures Act as part of omnibus legislation Bill C-43. Under this Act, publicly traded and large private oil, gas, and mining companies must publicly disclose payments to governments, not just in Canada, but around the world. Read the the fact […]

Fact Sheet – SEC Rules for Oil and Mineral Payment Disclosure

On August 22, 2012, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) voted to approve regulations to implement Section 1504, or the Cardin-Lugar Amendment, of the Dodd-Frank Financial Reform and Consumer Protection Act. Section 1504 requires any oil, gas or mining company reporting to the SEC to disclose their country and project-level payments to host governments […]

Communiqué of PWYP Eurasia meeting

On 27-29 April 2015 representatives of civil society from Albania, Azerbaijan, Germany, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Tajikistan and Ukraine gathered in Kyev, Ukraine for the workshop on Ukrainian and Eurasian civil society in the EITI: Common challenges – joint approaches. Civil society in the region faces similar difficulties in the implementation of EITI, whether that is […]