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Chisomo Phiri

I think that my choice to work on this campaign relates to part of the culture with which I grew up. In African culture you grow up as an extended family and I think this is in part what motivated me to do the course I did – development studies. When I started working after […]

UK – Faulty industry disclosure guidance puts responsible companies at risk

Publish What You Pay condemns faulty industry disclosure guidance, which puts responsible companies at risk. Industry guidance for the UK Reports on Payments to Governments Regulations is currently being prepared by and on behalf of the International Association of Oil and Gas Producers (IOGP) and the International Council on Mining and Metals (ICMM). Key elements […]

Preparing to surf the data wave!

‘Avalanche’, ‘deluge’, ‘tidal wave’ – there’s been a range of monikers for the amount of extractive data that is to come out over the next few years. By 2016, the EU Transparency and Accounting Directives will have yielded all the payments by project-level for all the extractive companies listed (and large companies non-listed) in the […]

Are you for Big Oil or Big Data?

CSOs Put Limited Data to Good Use, Call for Project-Level Reporting What most profoundly distinguishes American Petroleum Institute (API) from civil society organizations in resource-rich countries working to make a more transparent and accountable extractives sector? (Hint: the answer we’re looking for is not “the ability to pay for an army of high-priced lawyers” – […]

DRC journalist determined to spread the word on natural resources

The PWYP coalition in DRC has been campaigning for years to increase understanding of EITI so that citizens can make better use of the initiative to improve the management of their natural resources. To this end, in a country the size of Western Europe with low internet and television penetration, the coalition has been training […]

Women of the East – a name that turned into a lifelong mission

The role of women in Central Asia has never been an easy one as they have had to take care of husbands, raise children and manage a household; many of them have had to do this while also living in poverty and being subject to society’s strict gender rules. Today, on top of this, women […]

Just model it! How PWYP members can develop a presentation of any oil project in 30 minutes

How much money will Chad see from its oil production and when? How sensitive is that to the wild fluctuations of market prices? And how does the money the government gets compare to what the oil companies get? These are some of the questions PWYP member GRAMPTC and the Berlin-based publisher OpenOil will address in […]

Mauritania to include the fishing sector in its implementation of EITI

The fishing sector will now be included in the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI). The official announcement was made by the President of the Islamic Republic of Mauritania, Mr Mohamed Ould Abdel Aziz, on 19 January 2015 in his opening speech at the high-level conference on “Transparency and Sustainable Development in Africa”. According to statistics […]

Tunisian civil society unites for a better tomorrow

The revolution of 2011 in Tunisia overthrew the government, coined the term ‘Arab Spring’ and spread revolutionary sentiment across borders. Another, perhaps less obviously dramatic, consequence of the Tunisian revolution has been the increase and strengthening of civil society organisations in the country. Prior to January 2011, CSOs were namely composed of organisations that acted […]

Sidibe Epouse Touré

We are not a poor country. With our natural resources we are a rich country. But where does the money go? There are gaps between what the companies pay and what the government receives. Civil society has to get involved to find this information, otherwise everything happens only between the companies and the governments and […]

Moussa Iboun Conté

I am from a country deemed very resource rich – when we went to Burkina Faso for work, and we introduced ourselves as Guineans, everyone was saying “You come from a rich country – there are mineral resources, gold and diamonds”. I was really intrigued to see that there is so much attention paid to […]

Hannah Owusu Koranteng

I was trained as an agriculturist and have worked with farmers all my life. I started to see how mining competes with agriculture for land and how it devours community land. I also witnessed the differences in development and education – so many rural communities do not have a voice and do not understand what […]