PWYP's Global Assembly 2025

Charting our course: uniting for a just energy transition

We are thrilled to announce PWYP’s 6th Global Assembly, which will take place from Tuesday, 18 to Thursday, 20 February 2025 in Indonesia!


About the Assembly

The movement will gather under the theme: “Charting our course: uniting for a just energy transition”. After more than a year of consultations with the whole movement, we are going to embark together on our new 5-year strategy with an updated governance and leadership model. Meeting in person will allow us to deep-dive into what’s next for the movement, collectively agree on our future direction and start shaping our work priorities for the next 5 years with the help of outstanding speakers.

Getting together in person will also allow us to connect and build relations with a diversity of members from all over the world (the last in-person Global Assembly was in 2019!), exchange our experiences and practices and learn from each other, to build an even stronger movement, ready to embrace the challenges of a just energy transition. 

PWYP Indonesia will be our hosts and we thank them for their commitment and readiness to welcome us for our first in-person global gathering since 2019.

Registration information has been shared with PWYP members and more information including a detailed agenda will be shared on this page later in the year.