The Tunisian Network for Transparency in Energy and Mines is a PWYP affiliate formed in 2015 to work for sustainable development through proper use of the country’s natural resources. Its 6 member organisations are united in their goal of a transparent extractive sector, campaigning for Tunisia’s government to adopt the EITI. They are also pressing the government to transpose articles in the country’s new constitution related to good natural resource governance into laws that guarantee transparency and accountability within the extractive sector.
The Tunisian PWYP coalition is pressing the government to transpose articles in the country’s new constitution related to good natural resource governance into laws that guarantee transparency within the extractive sector
Member organisations
Ahmed Tlili Foundation for Democratic Culture - Gafsa
Alliance Tunisienne pour l’Intégrité et la Transparence (ATIT) - Tunis
Association Bassin Minier pour l’Investissement et le Développement - Gafsa
Association Développement Sans Frontières - Tataouine
Association Tunisienne de Droit du Développement (ATDD) - Tunis
Association Tunisienne de l’Environnement et de la Nature - Gabes
Association Tunisienne de la Transparence dans l’Energie et les Mines (ATTEM) - Tunis
Association Tunisienne des Contrôleurs Publiques - Tunis
Centre de la Citoyenneté et de la Démocratie - Tunis
Environnement et développement pour promouvoir le bassin minier de Redeyef (AEDBM) - Gafsa