Launched in 2008, PWYP Mali has focused on a range of issues, including EITI implementation, regularly analysing EITI reports and building civil society capacity to monitor implementation. The coalition also advocates for contract transparency and has a strong focus on tax justice, as part of the Capacity for Research and Advocacy for Fair Taxation (CRAFT) Initiative. It currently works on the social and environmental impacts of gold mining, and on budget analysis and monitoring at local authority level.
PWYP Mali currently works on the social and environmental impacts of gold mining, and on budget analysis and monitoring at local authority level
Member organisations
Amnesty International-Mali
Association des Consommateurs du Mali (ASCOMA)
Association Malienne des Droits de l’Homme (AMDH)
Association Malienne pour la Protection de l’Environnement (STOP – SAHEL)
Bureau d’Expertise de Management et Concertation (BEMAC)
Clinique Juridique DEMESO
Coalition des Alternatives, Dettes et Développement (CAD-Mali)
Conseil de Concertation des Actions des ONG (CCA ONG)
Coordination des Associations et ONG Féminines (CAFO)
Fondation pour le Développement au Sahel (FDS)
Journal “Les Echos” (Jamana)
Mining News
Réseau des Journalistes pour l’Annulation de la Dette (RJAD)
Réseau pour le Développement Local et l’Autopromotion de la Femme (RDL/AFEF)