Since forming in 2004, PWYP Chad has focused on monitoring transparency in public funds and oil revenues, tracking government spending and setting up regional budget monitoring committees. The coalition instigated the country’s EITI membership in 2010 and is actively involved in implementing the initiative. It has also worked on monitoring the social and environmental impacts of the extractive industries on Chad’s people. The major challenge it faces is promoting the transparent management of oil revenues to help fund development projects that combat poverty.
PWYP Chad has focused on monitoring transparency in oil revenues, tracking government spending and setting up regional budget monitoring committees
Member organisations
Association des Editeurs de Presse du Tchad
Association pour le Développement Intégral du Canton Miandoum
Association des Droits de l'Homme
Action des Partenaires et Association pour le Développement
Cadre de concertation et de Développement du Logone Orientale
Cellule de Liaison et d’Information des Associations féminines
Collectif des Associations de Droit de l’Homme
Comité de Réseau des Organisations de la Société Civile en Appui à la Population du Mayo Kebby
Commission Nationale Justice et Paix
Commission Permanente Pétrole N’Djaména
Commission Permanente Pétrole Locale
Groupe de Recherches et Alternatives et de Monitoring du Project Petrole Tchad-Cameroun