The PWYP coalition in Burkina Faso works mainly on the EITI process by disseminating reports and raising awareness about environmental issues among communities living alongside gold mining sites. The coalition is focused on using data from EITI reports to demand greater government accountability over the use of extractive industry revenues. It engaged with the government and other CSOs to secure the passage of a law under which 1 percent of mining companies’ monthly revenue and 20 percent of government revenues from mining will be invested in regional development funds, with the majority directed back to mining communities and those nearby. PWYP Burkina also works to secure disclosure of mining contracts. The coalition was relaunched in 2014 as “Mines Alert-PWYP Burkina”.

“PWYP Burkina is focused on using data from EITI reports to demand greater government accountability over the use of extractive industry revenues”
Member organisations
Alliance Technique d’Assistance au Développement (ATAD) | |
Association Agir pour le Développement du Nahouri ADN/Nahouri | |
ATTAC/Burkina | |
Cellule nationale des organisations de la société civile | |
Coalition nationale des Petits exploitants miniers | |
Groupe de Recherche et d’Action sur le Foncier | |
Ligue des Consommateurs du Burkina | |
Mouvement burkinabè pour l’Emergence d’une justice sociale | |
Réseau Africain des Journalistes traitant de l’Information et de la Transparence | |
Réseau Afrique Jeunesse | |
Réseau Femme et Environnement du Burkina Faso | |
Réseau national de Lutte Anti-Corruption | |
Secrétariat permanent des ONG |
Related Resources