Botswana Watch joined PWYP in 2017 as the first PWYP member in Botswana. The country has received widespread praise for its management of mineral revenues, investing them in education, health care and other assets. It has generally avoided the “resource curse” through appropriate macroeconomic, exchange rate and fiscal policies, as well as institutional design. Botswana Watch is helping ensure that past success does not lead to complacency.
Founded in 2016, the organisation’s main areas of work include research, advocacy and training other stakeholders in mining legal and policy framework and mining community engagement. The mining sector continues to be the backbone of Botswana’s economy, despite efforts to diversify, with mining as the largest contributor to GDP, generating the majority of export earnings and making a major input to government income. Botswana Watch works to ensure that mineral revenues continue to contribute to sustainable development.

“Botswana Watch is helping ensure that past success in the management of mineral revenues does not lead to complacency”
Member organisations
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