Message from the outgoing Board Chair

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As I step down from the role of PWYP board Chair after nine years, I want to share some reflections and also to welcome some fantastic new board members, along with a new Chair and Treasurer.

Since assuming the role of Chair in 2015, I have witnessed PWYP’s remarkable growth and transformation. At that time, PWYP had just become a standalone organisation, housing the international Secretariat after a decade of being hosted by the Open Society Foundation. Over the past nine years, our network has expanded from 37 national coalitions to an impressive 51, while the international Secretariat has grown in parallel from 11 to 19 dedicated staff members. During this period, we have built upon the success of the mandatory disclosures campaign, utilising project-level company payments data to hold governments and companies accountable. Moreover, we have successfully advocated for the EITI Standard to be responsive to our gender, human rights, environmental, and climate justice agendas, ensuring that our priorities are at the forefront of the extractive industries’ transparency and accountability efforts. Throughout this period, we have not only successfully navigated the unprecedented challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic but also mourned the profound loss of cherished members and friends, whose contributions and presence will forever be remembered and honoured within our community.

Throughout the pandemic, we have enhanced our ability to engage and connect online while acknowledging the crucial role of in-person interactions in fostering trust and sharing knowledge. The 2023 Africa Conference, which brought together over 200 participants to strategize on our collective response to the climate crisis and ensure justice in the energy transition, exemplifies our network’s resilience and adaptability. The upcoming Global Assembly in Indonesia next year will provide a vital opportunity to build upon our strengths while remaining agile and responsive to emerging needs and challenges.

I want to extend my heartfelt gratitude to all current and former board members, especially Alan Detheridge, our Treasurer, and Ali Idrissa, who have both served on the board for nine years with unwavering dedication to PWYP’s members and mission, and will also be stepping down at this time, together with Athayde Motta, our Global Council Liaison and then full board member. Their tireless commitment, boundless energy, and invaluable insights have been instrumental in the growth and impact of this remarkable and indispensable global movement. Their legacy will undoubtedly serve as a strong foundation upon which our new board members and incoming Executive Director, Ke Rafitoson, can build and continue to drive our organisation forward.

I am delighted to introduce five new board members, four of whom are well-known to PWYP. Mamadou Taran Diallo from Guinea Conakry is a former national coordinator and was the first Chair of the Global Council. Matteo Pellegrini served as the first PWYP Africa Coordinator, and then went on to the Revenue Watch Institute (RWI), now Natural Resource Governance Institute (NRGI). Jana Morgan is the former PWYP US Director. Carlos Monge is one of the founders of the Latin American Network on Extractives and long time Director for Latin America at RWI/NRGI. The fifth new board member, Otto Saki, is a lawyer and activist from Zimbabwe who brings fresh perspectives to our organisation and a true commitment to fight corruption and promote civic space and human rights. The wealth of expertise and diverse experiences these individuals bring promise to further enrich our movement, and I wholeheartedly welcome them to the PWYP family. Get more information about both our new and existing board members.

Furthermore, it is with immense pleasure and enthusiasm that I announce the appointment of Carlos Monge as the new Chair of PWYP. Carlos brings a dynamic energy and an impressive wealth of experience from his work in Latin America and beyond to this pivotal role. His expertise, particularly on matters of social justice in the context of the energy transition, will undoubtedly prove invaluable to our movement.

Moreover, I am thrilled to share that Susan Hazledine will be taking on the role of Treasurer. With a distinguished background in law and the charity sector, coupled with her five years of dedicated service on the board, Susan brings a unique blend of valuable insights and capabilities to our financial stewardship. Her unwavering commitment and good-natured approach have been an asset to our organisation, and I am confident that she will excel in this new position.

I extend my heartfelt wishes to Carlos, Susan, and the entire board for a successful and fruitful collaboration as they guide PWYP through its next chapter.


Carlo Merla
Outgoing board Chair

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