Civil society participation in natural resource management in the Kyrgyz Republic and EITI: Overview of current trends

This study explores the current state of civil society participation in natural resource management and the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) in the Kyrgyz Republic. The analysis focuses on both legal and practical factors that potentially inhibit the activities of civil society. The study leverages desk research and interviews to analyze data on civil space and the role of civil society in natural resource management processes. It provides recommendations aimed at improving the civil environment and enhancing the effectiveness of the EITI in the Kyrgyz Republic.
The findings highlight the crucial socio-political transformations since 2020 that have limited civil society’s constitutional freedoms, thus emphasizing the need for active and unhindered civil participation in EITI processes and natural resource management. The study underscores the necessity of safeguarding fundamental civic freedoms and promoting citizen participation in decision-making to create an enabling environment for civil society.
Recent governmental actions that suggest a potential curtailing of civil liberties emphasize the importance of civil society in establishing transparent and accountable governance of natural resources. The study concludes that by addressing the barriers to free and active civil participation and fostering collaboration among stakeholders, meaningful progress can be achieved in promoting balanced, sustainable development, and the effective implementation of the EITI.