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“المنظمات غير الحكومية لتحسين الشفافية في الصناعات الاستخراجية” منتسبة إلى ائتلاف أنشر ما تدفع وتتألف من 80 عضوا في العاصمة والأقاليم.

وقد ركز التحالف معظم جهوده على مساندة تطبيق فعال وذي مصداقية لمبادرة الشفافية في الصناعات الاستخراجية، وتعزيز مشاركة المجتمع المدني. وقد عمل التحالف أيضاً من أجل الإفصاح عن ملكية الانتفاع ومن أجل جعل الشركات التي تملكها الدولة أكثر شفافية.

ويواجه التحالف حالياً أوقاتاً عسيرة مع تدهور وضع المجتمع المدني بسرعة في آذربيجان.

Member organisations

Citizens` Labor Rights Protection League external website link >
Care for the Elderly Intellectuals
ARAN Human Rights Resource Center external website link >
Ganja Children Foundation external website link >
Regional Human Rights and Media Center Social Union external website link >
Islam, Democracy and Human Rights Center
Development Society and Civil Relations Public Association external website link >
Support Center for Civic Initiatives Social Union
The Western Regional Representative Of Azerbaijan National Committee Of Helsinki
Modern Development and Legal Aid Center
Education Research Center Public Union
"Region" International Analytical Center external website link >
Oil Workers' Rights Protection Organization Public Union external website link >
Young Democratic Reformers Public Union external website link >
Public Union of Regional Human Rights and Social Research Center
Economic Research Center external website link >
Assistance to Social and Cultural Development of the Youth Social Union
Gender Equality Public Union external website link >
Eco-World Public Union external website link >
Center for Citizen Initiatives and Legislation Improvement
Individual member
Human Rights and Enlightenment Social Union
Research Center Against Torture
Human Rights And Law Enlightment Public Union
Election Researches Center
Democratic Institutions and Human Rights Social Union external website link >
Center of Women’s Problems Research CWPR external website link >
Azerbaijan Committee for Human Rights and Defense of Freedoms
Public Union for solving social-economic problems of Mortar Victims
Regional Development and Human Rights Public Union
Legal Aid Center to Oilworkers
Ecolife Public Union external website link >
Studying of Economic Resources Public Union external website link >
Public Association for Assistance to Free Economy external website link >
Caucasus Media İnvestigations Center external website link >
“Youth Club" Public Union external website link >
Social Strategic Studies and Analytically Investigations Public Union external website link >
Regional Woman Initiatives Social Union external website link >
Democracy and NGO's development Resource Center
Society for Democratic Reforms external website link >
Democratic Initiatives and Social Development Public Union
Public Union for Civil Society Institute
Progress Social Development Public Union
“Regional Gender Center” Public Union
Development Watch Research Center Public Union
"Constitution" Researches Fund external website link >
Care for disabled persons of Garabagh War Society
Foundation of Legal Initiative and Enlightment of Democracy
"Ulduz" Election Organization external website link >
"Zangilan” Public Union external website link >
Human Rights in the Extractive Industry Public Union
Road Construction Monitoring Center
"Elektron Election" Public Union
Caucasian Center for International Relations and Strategic Studies external website link >
Citizens initiative for democracy
"ELS" Independent Research Center
Independent Teachers Union of Azerbaijan
Center of Political Culture for Azerbaijani Women
Eco-Renessans Public Union
Regional Human Rights and Education Center
"Education of the Young Generation" Public Union
Modern Woman and Society Public Union
Dalgha Youth MovemCenter for Support Economic Initiativesent
“Solidarity Among Women” Social Union
Digital Development Public Union external website link >
Economic Innovation Center
"Support to Young Poets" Public Union
"Rescuer" Public Union
“Progress” Social Research Public Union external website link >
Dalgha Youth Movement
"Return to their Place" Public Association
Public Finance Monitoring Center external website link >
Economic and Political research Center external website link >
Dalgha Youth Movement
Caspian Barrel Research Center external website link >
Free Person Human Rights Protection Society
Merchants and Producers' Union
Individual member
Individual member
Economic and Social Development Center external website link >
Society Humanitarion Research external website link >
Dalgha Youth Movement external website link >